REST(RESTfull) API Design

2 min readMay 21, 2023

When a team develops API, some policies should be introduced.

Here, the example of REST(RESTfull) API Design is shown.

NOTE: This will be updated at any time.

REST(RESTfull) API Design

Protocol: HTTPS

Character Code: UTF-8

Format: JSON


If there are several words necessary in one path, use hyphen. (e.g. /users/001/profile-image)

This is because hyphen can be used in URI.


  • Content-Type


other headers, for example,

  • API Key (If necessary)

do not use x- like x-api-key .


https://api.<domain>/v1/xxxor ahttps://<domain>/api/v1/xxx

API Method Design (CRUD Operation)

The basic rule is the below.

Method: Status Code(Not Error) [Description]

GET: 200 [Get resource]

POST: 201 [Create a new resource. When there has not been a specific ID.] POST returns the resource and add the link to the resource into Location header.

PATCH: 200 [Update resource partly. When there is a specific ID.]

PATCH returns the resource.

※ 204 might be fine when the resource is not returned.

PUT: 200(Replacement), 201(New Creation) [This is used when a specific ID already exists. Replacement of the resource or create a new resource(for example, when the resource has been deleted such as file update.).]

PUT returns the resource.

※ 204 might be fine when the resource is not returned.

DELETE: 204 [Delete a resource]

Non-CRUD Operations

Like “Exploration”, REST is not the best solution. Use Verb type in this case.

例. GET /search/code?q=:query:, Github Issue Lock

It looks like the out of scope but the most important thing is whether it is understandable for Developers.

Request Body, Response Body

  • JSON format
  • Snake case would be better in JSON object keys. (For instance, Swagger, GitHub API use this case.)

However, if a different case is already used such as the Camel case, it would be good to unify. Coding the transformation between these cases might be necessary.


Status Code

400, 401, 403, 404, 408, 422, 429, 500, 502, 504, …etc.

Response Body Example

"errors": [ // Array type might be good to return several errors at the same time.
"message": "Bad Request1",
"code": "400-001" // Sequential number(`-001`) might be good.
"message": "Bad Request2",
"code": "400-002"

